FREE Classroom Posters
to Empower Your Students
The amazing response I received after last week’s giveaway of inspirational classroom posters, motivated me to create this second set of posters even sooner than I had planned!
A big heartfelt thank you to everyone who reached out. It’s been amazing chatting with teachers from all over the world who are interested in improving their students’ learning experience via technology. It’s also obvious how important it is to so many of you to set a positive mindset in the classroom!
Facebook Group for Teachers
Our Facebook group which was set up to help teachers keep up with technology, has been buzzing more than ever with discussions and ideas from teachers all over the world! It’s been amazing being able to help and at the same time learn so much from others!
Our Facebook group is just a goldmine of information, so if you haven't joined yet, please join us today!
Now, for This Week's Set of Posters...

A quick FYI - just like the posters I gave away last week, this week's posters were not created inside Scratch, which means that they're scaled correctly and are meant to be printed either on an 8.5x11 or an 11x17 sized paper. So, choose the appropriate size for your printer, and you won't get that annoying pixelated effect. Feel free to use in your own classroom, just no commercial use, please...
To get the printable version of the classroom posters, just click the button below, enter your email address, and you'll receive a pdf with the 5 posters below pretty much instantaneously!

Classroom Poster #5: Don't Give Up!
I can't tell you how passionate I feel about practice and hard work. I believe with all my heart that (almost!) anything is possible if you just keep tackling it with everything you've got. My kids know that in my class (and my home!), there is no such thing as 'I'll never be that smart'; there is only 'I haven't practiced enough yet' or 'I haven't failed enough times yet'!

Classroom Poster #6: Do Your Best Work!
Sometimes all we need in order to do things better is to add a small habit to our normal process. When I was a kid, my mother told me never to hand in a test before re-checking my answers. I learned to factor in the time it takes to re-check my answers, and to always leave some time at the end for this task. It is such a great habit to build from a young age! As I grew up, handing in work without re-checking it, has always felt like forgetting to brush my teeth! It is something that I feel I just have to do, and I believe it's what caused me to always do my best work!

Classroom Poster #7: Work Towards Achieving Your Goal!
This poster is a little different in that there are two different versions of it. The one on the left is the 8.5x11 version, and the one on the right is the 11x17 version. It has another one of those 'never give up' messages, but I love that it brings the 'goal' factor into the equation. I believe teaching our kids how to set and follow their goals, is one of the best gifts we can give them as teachers. It is an amazing skill that will help them for years to come - in school and in life.

Classroom Poster #8: You Can Do Hard Things!
There is nothing like the confidence that comes with being able to do hard things. So often these days, we forget how important it is to overcome a challenge when learning new things. It is essential that we remember that kids need to get stuck, ‘cause if they’re not getting stuck, then they’re not getting themselves unstuck, and if they’re not having to get themselves unstuck regularly, then they're not learning enough.

Classroom Poster #9: Put Your Best Work Forward!
This one is very similar to Classroom Poster #6, but I thought I'd add a simpler version to the mix. Again, teaching kids to get in the habit of always asking themselves whether they're really putting their best work forward, will be an invaluable skill in their future - both in school and in life.

And that is it! I plan to keep on posting tips, lesson ideas, and printables regularly. Some will have to do with coding and Scratch, and some with how to better use technology in the classroom. So, please come visit here often, and don't forget to join our vibrant Facebook group where you'll get not just my ideas, but ideas from educators from all over the world as well!