"This program absolutely changed the way I look at teaching coding. No longer is keeping up with technology something out of reach, but instead something tangible that I can do with my class! My students are absolutely loving it, and the more I do the projects with them, the more I learn about Scratch!"

The Ice Cream Shop Course
This course will walk you and your students through building a game which takes place in an ice cream shop. In this game, customers keep coming in, and the user needs to fill their orders using the requested cone, ice cream flavor and topping. When the order is filled correctly, points are added to the score. More points are added to the score the faster the order is filled.
Scratch Skills Covered

The Scavenger Hunt Course
This course will walk you and your students through building an RPG or role playing game. In this game, the main character goes on an adventure, attempting to collect the needed amount of money before the time is up. This course comes with a starter project and 6 step-by-step animated tutorials. There are also 5 bonus quests which come with this course, the first of which will walk you step-by-step through adding levels to the game!
Scratch Level & Skills Covered
The 'Tic-Tac-Toe' Course
This course will walk you and your students through building the classic ‘Tic-Tac-Toe’ game in Scratch! In this version of the game, the computer serves as a judge, evaluating the game as you play along with a friend. Although ‘Tic-Tac-Toe’ is very simple for humans to play, teaching it to a computer is a whole different story. We’ll be using both lists and custom blocks to build this project, and as I say in the ‘Preview’ video, this course can be used as a great introduction to both of these topics.
Scratch Level & Skills Covered
The 'Repeat the Sequence' Course
This course will walk you through creating a memory sequence game in Scratch! In this game, the computer creates a sequence of colors and the user is asked to repeat that sequence. If the user succeeds, the sequence becomes progressively longer and more complex. Once the user fails, the game is over.
Scratch Level & Skills Covered
The 'Hangman' Course
This course will walk you and your students through building the classic 'Hangman' game. It uses this familiar game to cover how string processing is handled in Scratch. The various animated tutorials which come with this course are instrumental in demonstrating the process of slowly building the word displayed to the user as the guesses are coming in.